import { randomNumber } from './utility.js'; import { Note } from "./objects/note.js"; import { Page } from "./objects/page.js"; import { Tack } from './widgets/tack.js'; import { Textbox } from './widgets/textbox.js'; import { Paragraph } from './widgets/paragraph.js'; import { NoteSpawner } from './objects/notespawner.js'; globalThis.onload = function () { const noteBox = document.body; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const noteSize = 300; const x = randomNumber(0, document.documentElement.scrollWidth - noteSize); const y = randomNumber(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight - noteSize); const note = new Note(x, y, randomNumber(-180, 180), noteSize, randomNumber(-15, 15), "./assets/note.png"); note.registerGrabEvent(); note.addWidgets([new Tack, new Textbox("Welcome")]); noteBox.append(note.el); } for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) { const noteSize = 300; const x = randomNumber(0, document.documentElement.scrollWidth - 1004); const y = randomNumber(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight - 720); const note = new Page(x, y, 720, 1004, undefined, "./assets/page.png"); note.registerGrabEvent(); note.addWidget(new Tack); note.addWidget(new Paragraph( ` Hello and welcome to the Corkboard!
Try dragging everything around and writing in the notes. also click the tacks!

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P.S. yes, I do know that sticky notes don't need tacks as they're sticky, but this wouldn't be half as fun without the falling notes. ` )); noteBox.append(note.el); } const noteSpawner = new NoteSpawner(); noteSpawner.addWidget(new Paragraph("Create New Note", 50, 50)); noteBox.append(noteSpawner.el); };