diff --git a/assets/faces.png b/assets/faces.png
index 968fdbd..c2bb0dd 100644
Binary files a/assets/faces.png and b/assets/faces.png differ
diff --git a/minesweeper.html b/minesweeper.html
index 7c72608..1de8186 100644
--- a/minesweeper.html
+++ b/minesweeper.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
         <script src="https://not-fl3.github.io/miniquad-samples/mq_js_bundle.js"></script>
-        </script> <!-- Your compiled wasm file -->
+        </script>
             document.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => {
diff --git a/src/gui.rs b/src/gui.rs
index a33fd9c..e2e418e 100644
--- a/src/gui.rs
+++ b/src/gui.rs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 mod board_render;
 mod highlighter;
 pub mod settings_menu;
+mod seven_segment;
 pub mod texture_store;
 mod tile_render;
 pub mod top_menu;
@@ -86,9 +87,6 @@ impl UIState {
 			self.letterbox.1 = 0f32;
-impl UIState {
 	pub fn pixel_screen_offset(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> (f32, f32) {
 		let (x, y) = self.pixel_screen_scale(x, y);
 		let x = x + self.letterbox.0;
diff --git a/src/gui/highlighter.rs b/src/gui/highlighter.rs
index 6c00e2a..77d7c28 100644
--- a/src/gui/highlighter.rs
+++ b/src/gui/highlighter.rs
@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@ pub enum Highlight {
+// The highlighter is responsible for the selection when a tile is clicked and held either with left or middle click
 impl Highlighter {
 	pub fn events(&mut self, ui_state: &UIState, event_handler: &mut Events<GUIEvent>, game_board: &mut GameBoard) {
-		if !ui_state.frozen && ui_state.mouse_in_minefield {
-			if is_mouse_button_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
-				self.highlight = Highlight::Normal;
+		if !ui_state.frozen {
+			if ui_state.mouse_in_minefield {
+				if is_mouse_button_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
+					self.highlight = Highlight::Normal;
+				}
+				if is_mouse_button_pressed(MouseButton::Middle) {
+					self.highlight = Highlight::Wide;
+					self.check_reveal(event_handler, ui_state, game_board)
+				}
-			if is_mouse_button_pressed(MouseButton::Middle) {
-				self.highlight = Highlight::Wide;
-				self.check_reveal(event_handler, ui_state, game_board)
-			}
-		}
-		if is_mouse_button_released(MouseButton::Left) {
-			self.reset_highlight(ui_state, event_handler);
-			if !ui_state.frozen {
+			if is_mouse_button_released(MouseButton::Left) {
+				self.reset_highlight(ui_state, event_handler);
-		}
-		if is_mouse_button_released(MouseButton::Middle) {
-			self.reset_highlight(ui_state, event_handler);
-			if !ui_state.frozen {
+			if is_mouse_button_released(MouseButton::Middle) {
+				self.reset_highlight(ui_state, event_handler);
 	fn check_reveal(&self, event_handler: &mut Events<GUIEvent>, interface: &UIState, game_board: &mut GameBoard) {
 		let (x, y) = interface.cursor;
 		if let Some(tile) = game_board.get_tile_mut(x, y) {
diff --git a/src/gui/settings_menu.rs b/src/gui/settings_menu.rs
index 51a2203..97afb60 100644
--- a/src/gui/settings_menu.rs
+++ b/src/gui/settings_menu.rs
@@ -1,12 +1,24 @@
 use crate::{logic::game_board::ModifyMode, util::Events};
-use super::{texture_store::TextureStore, GUIEvent, Language, UIState};
+use super::{seven_segment::draw_seven_segment_unscaled, texture_store::TextureStore, GUIEvent, Language, UIState};
 use macroquad::{
 	ui::{root_ui, widgets, Skin, Ui},
+const NEW_GAME_HEIGHT: f32 = 40f32;
+const NEW_GAME_WIDTH: f32 = 250f32;
+const BUTTON_MENU_WIDTH: f32 = 250f32;
+const BUTTON_SIZE: f32 = 100f32;
+const BUTTON_MENU_Y: f32 = 400f32;
+const BUTTON_MENU_LABEL_HEIGHT: f32 = 20f32;
+const MIN_MINEFIELD_WIDTH: usize = 5;
+const MAX_MINEFIELD_WIDTH: usize = 100;
+const MIN_MINEFIELD_HEIGHT: usize = 5;
+const MAX_MINEFIELD_HEIGHT: usize = 100;
 pub struct SettingsMenu {
 	mines: usize,
 	width: usize,
@@ -46,16 +58,13 @@ impl SettingsMenu {
 			let half_screen_width = screen_width * 0.5;
-			const MIN_MINEFIELD_WIDTH: usize = 5;
-			const MAX_MINEFIELD_WIDTH: usize = 100;
-			const MIN_MINEFIELD_HEIGHT: usize = 5;
-			// const MAX_MINEFIELD_HEIGHT: usize = 100;
 				&mut self.width,
 				vec2(half_screen_width, 100f32),
-				String::from("Minefield Width"),
+				"Minefield Width",
@@ -64,21 +73,19 @@ impl SettingsMenu {
 				vec2(half_screen_width, 200f32),
-				String::from("Minefield Height"),
+				"Minefield Height",
 				&mut self.mines,
 				vec2(half_screen_width, 300f32),
-				String::from("Mines"),
+				"Mines",
 				self.width * self.height - 10,
-			const NEW_GAME_HEIGHT: f32 = 40f32;
-			const NEW_GAME_WIDTH: f32 = 250f32;
 			if widgets::Button::new("New Game")
 				.position(vec2((screen_width - NEW_GAME_WIDTH) * 0.5, 0.0))
@@ -87,12 +94,9 @@ impl SettingsMenu {
 				event_handler.add(GUIEvent::CreateNewGame(self.width, self.height, self.mines));
-			const BUTTON_MENU_WIDTH: f32 = 250f32;
 			let language_button_x = (screen_width - BUTTON_MENU_WIDTH) * 0.5;
-			const BUTTON_SIZE: f32 = 100f32;
-			const BUTTON_MENU_Y: f32 = 400f32;
 			let question_button_x = (screen_width - BUTTON_MENU_WIDTH) * 0.5 + (BUTTON_MENU_WIDTH - BUTTON_SIZE);
-			const BUTTON_MENU_LABEL_HEIGHT: f32 = 20f32;
 				.position(vec2(language_button_x, BUTTON_MENU_Y - BUTTON_MENU_LABEL_HEIGHT))
@@ -141,36 +145,23 @@ impl SettingsMenu {
-fn render_counter(
-	count: &mut usize,
-	ui: &mut Ui,
-	textures: &TextureStore,
-	position: Vec2,
-	title: String,
-	min: usize,
-	max: usize,
-) {
+const COUNTER_DIGIT_WIDTH: f32 = 13f32 * 2.0;
+const COUNTER_DIGIT_HEIGHT: f32 = 23f32 * 2.0;
+const COUNTER_BUTTON_HEIGHT: f32 = 30f32;
+const COUNTER_BUTTON_MARGIN: f32 = 10f32;
+fn render_counter(count: &mut usize, ui: &mut Ui, textures: &TextureStore, position: Vec2, title: &str, min: usize, max: usize) {
 	let digits: Vec<usize> = {
 		let digits = count.to_string();
 		let digits = format!("{:0>3}", digits);
 		digits.chars().map(|i| (i.to_digit(10u32).unwrap_or(0)) as usize).collect()
-	const COUNTER_DIGIT_WIDTH: f32 = 13f32 * 2.0;
-	const COUNTER_DIGIT_HEIGHT: f32 = 23f32 * 2.0;
-	const COUNTER_BUTTON_HEIGHT: f32 = 30f32;
-	const COUNTER_BUTTON_MARGIN: f32 = 10f32;
 	let counter_width = digits.len() as f32 * COUNTER_DIGIT_WIDTH;
 	let position = position - vec2(counter_width * 0.5, 0.0);
-	for (x, digit) in digits.iter().enumerate() {
-		let position = vec2(COUNTER_DIGIT_WIDTH * x as f32, 0f32) + position;
-		widgets::Texture::new(textures.numbers[*digit])
-			.position(position)
-			.ui(ui);
-	}
+	draw_seven_segment_unscaled(ui, textures, &digits, position.x as usize, position.y as usize);
 	if widgets::Button::new("+")
 		.position(position + vec2(counter_width + COUNTER_BUTTON_MARGIN, BUTTON_OFFSET_HEIGHT))
diff --git a/src/gui/seven_segment.rs b/src/gui/seven_segment.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f34a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/seven_segment.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+use macroquad::{
+	prelude::vec2,
+	ui::{widgets, Ui},
+pub const WIDTH: usize = 13 * 2;
+pub const HEIGHT: usize = 23 * 2;
+use super::{texture_store::TextureStore, UIState};
+pub fn draw_seven_segment(ui_state: &UIState, ui: &mut Ui, textures: &TextureStore, val: &Vec<usize>, x: usize, y: usize) {
+	for (n, digit) in val.iter().enumerate() {
+		let (scaled_width, scaled_height) = ui_state.pixel_screen_scale(WIDTH as usize, HEIGHT);
+		let (pos_x, pos_y) = ui_state.pixel_screen_offset(n * WIDTH + x, y);
+		widgets::Texture::new(textures.numbers[*digit])
+			.size(scaled_width, scaled_height)
+			.position(vec2(pos_x, pos_y))
+			.ui(ui);
+	}
+pub fn draw_seven_segment_unscaled(ui: &mut Ui, textures: &TextureStore, val: &Vec<usize>, x: usize, y: usize) {
+	for (n, digit) in val.iter().enumerate() {
+		let (pos_x, pos_y) = ((n * WIDTH + x) as f32, y as f32);
+		widgets::Texture::new(textures.numbers[*digit])
+			.size(WIDTH as f32, HEIGHT as f32)
+			.position(vec2(pos_x, pos_y))
+			.ui(ui);
+	}
diff --git a/src/gui/texture_store.rs b/src/gui/texture_store.rs
index b005274..02effe7 100644
--- a/src/gui/texture_store.rs
+++ b/src/gui/texture_store.rs
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ impl Default for TextureStore {
 impl TextureStore {
 	pub fn new() -> Self {
 		Self {
-			numbers: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/numbers.png"), [26, 46], 1, 10).expect("Could not load sprites"),
-			english_tiles: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/english_32x.png"), [32, 32], 2, 8)
+			numbers: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/numbers.png"), (26, 46), 1, 10).expect("Could not load sprites"),
+			english_tiles: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/english_32x.png"), (32, 32), 2, 8)
 				.expect("Could not load Tile Sprites"),
-			japanese_tiles: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/japanese_32x.png"), [32, 32], 2, 8)
+			japanese_tiles: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/japanese_32x.png"), (32, 32), 2, 8)
 				.expect("Could not load Tile Sprites"),
-			smilies: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/faces.png"), [48, 48], 1, 5).expect("Could not load face sprites"),
+			smilies: load_sprites(include_bytes!("../../assets/faces.png"), (48, 48), 1, 5).expect("Could not load face sprites"),
 			cog: Texture2D::from_file_with_format(include_bytes!("../../assets/cog.png"), Some(ImageFormat::Png)),
 			lang: Language::English,
diff --git a/src/gui/tile_render.rs b/src/gui/tile_render.rs
index b7a20e1..c5304ce 100644
--- a/src/gui/tile_render.rs
+++ b/src/gui/tile_render.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 use crate::logic::tile::{Tile, TileModifier, TileState};
 pub enum TileIndex {
-	Hidden,
+	Unknown,
@@ -20,52 +21,46 @@ pub enum TileIndex {
 impl Tile {
-	pub fn render(self, show_all: bool) -> TileIndex {
-		if self.swept && self.state == TileState::Mine {
-			return TileIndex::Explosion;
-		}
-		if show_all {
-			if let Some(modifier) = self.modifier {
-				if modifier == TileModifier::Flagged {
-					if self.state == TileState::Mine {
-						return TileIndex::Flag;
-					} else {
-						return TileIndex::FalseFlagMine;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if self.state == TileState::Mine {
-				return TileIndex::RevealedMine;
-			}
-		}
-		if self.swept {
-			if self.state == TileState::Mine {
-				TileIndex::Explosion
-			} else {
-				match self.adjacent {
-					0 => TileIndex::Revealed,
-					1 => TileIndex::One,
-					2 => TileIndex::Two,
-					3 => TileIndex::Three,
-					4 => TileIndex::Four,
-					5 => TileIndex::Five,
-					6 => TileIndex::Six,
-					7 => TileIndex::Seven,
-					8 => TileIndex::Eight,
-					_ => TileIndex::RevealedQuestion,
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			if let Some(modif) = self.modifier {
-				match modif {
-					TileModifier::Flagged => TileIndex::Flag,
-					TileModifier::Unsure => TileIndex::Question,
-				}
-			} else if self.highlighted {
-				TileIndex::Revealed
-			} else {
-				TileIndex::Hidden
-			}
+	pub fn render(self, game_over: bool) -> TileIndex {
+		// Behold: the match statement from hell!
+		match (
+			self.state,
+			self.modifier,
+			self.adjacent,
+			game_over,
+			self.swept,
+			self.highlighted,
+		) {
+			// Has mine, clicked mine: BOOM!
+			(TileState::Mine, _, _, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Explosion,
+			// Has mine, has flag, and game is over: True Flag
+			(TileState::Mine, Some(TileModifier::Flagged), _, true, _, _) => TileIndex::Flag,
+			// Has flag, is not Mine, and game is over: False flag
+			(TileState::Empty, Some(TileModifier::Flagged), _, true, _, _) => TileIndex::FalseFlagMine,
+			// Revealed mine after game is over
+			(TileState::Mine, _, _, true, _, _) => TileIndex::RevealedMine,
+			// Revealed tiles with adjacent tile count
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 0, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Revealed,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 1, _, true, _) => TileIndex::One,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 2, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Two,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 3, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Three,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 4, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Four,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 5, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Five,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 6, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Six,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 7, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Seven,
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 8, _, true, _) => TileIndex::Eight,
+			// Flag modifier
+			(_, Some(TileModifier::Flagged), _, _, _, _) => TileIndex::Flag,
+			// Question mark modifier
+			(_, Some(TileModifier::Unsure), _, _, _, _) => TileIndex::Question,
+			// No modifier, not swept, but highlighted
+			(_, None, _, _, false, true) => TileIndex::Revealed,
+			// No modifier, Not swept, and not highlighted: Unknown tile
+			(_, None, _, _, false, false) => TileIndex::Unknown,
+			// unsigned 8 bit integer has too much range for the adjacent tiles count, creating an invalid state
+			// from 9 onward. This last clause is to catch if somehow this invalid state occurs, and display
+			// the invalid tile in that case.
+			(TileState::Empty, _, 9..=u8::MAX, _, true, _) => TileIndex::RevealedQuestion,
diff --git a/src/gui/top_menu/flag_counter.rs b/src/gui/top_menu/flag_counter.rs
index 8d22719..26cdfbd 100644
--- a/src/gui/top_menu/flag_counter.rs
+++ b/src/gui/top_menu/flag_counter.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-use macroquad::{
-	prelude::*,
-	ui::{widgets, Ui},
+use macroquad::ui::Ui;
-use crate::gui::texture_store::TextureStore;
+use crate::gui::{
+	seven_segment::{self, draw_seven_segment},
+	texture_store::TextureStore,
 use super::UIState;
@@ -33,18 +33,13 @@ impl GUIFlagCounter {
 			self.old_count = remaining;
-		let top = ui_state.top_offset;
-		const WIDTH: usize = 13 * 2;
-		const HEIGHT: usize = 23 * 2;
-		let (scaled_width, scaled_height) = ui_state.pixel_screen_scale(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
-		// let length = self.digits.len() as f32;
-		for (x, digit) in self.digits.iter().enumerate() {
-			let (pos_x, pos_y) = ui_state.pixel_screen_offset((x + 2) * WIDTH, (top - HEIGHT) / 2);
-			widgets::Texture::new(textures.numbers[*digit])
-				.size(scaled_width, scaled_height)
-				.position(vec2(pos_x, pos_y))
-				.ui(ui);
-		}
+		draw_seven_segment(
+			ui_state,
+			ui,
+			textures,
+			&self.digits,
+			seven_segment::WIDTH * 2,
+			(ui_state.top_offset - seven_segment::HEIGHT) / 2,
+		);
diff --git a/src/gui/top_menu/timer.rs b/src/gui/top_menu/timer.rs
index 312a397..72aba10 100644
--- a/src/gui/top_menu/timer.rs
+++ b/src/gui/top_menu/timer.rs
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-use macroquad::{
-	prelude::*,
-	ui::{widgets, Ui},
+use macroquad::{prelude::*, ui::Ui};
-use crate::gui::texture_store::TextureStore;
+use crate::gui::{
+	seven_segment::{self, draw_seven_segment},
+	texture_store::TextureStore,
 use super::UIState;
@@ -31,18 +31,15 @@ impl GUITimer {
 			let digits: Vec<usize> = time_1.chars().map(|i| (i.to_digit(10u32).unwrap_or(0)) as usize).collect();
 			self.digits = digits;
-		let top = ui_state.top_offset;
-		const WIDTH: usize = 13 * 2;
-		const HEIGHT: usize = 23 * 2;
-		let (scaled_width, scaled_height) = ui_state.pixel_screen_scale(WIDTH as usize, HEIGHT);
 		let board_width = ui_state.width * ui_state.tile_size;
-		let length = self.digits.len();
-		for (x, digit) in self.digits.iter().enumerate() {
-			let (pos_x, pos_y) = ui_state.pixel_screen_offset(WIDTH * x + board_width - WIDTH * (length + 2), (top - HEIGHT) / 2);
-			widgets::Texture::new(textures.numbers[*digit])
-				.size(scaled_width, scaled_height)
-				.position(vec2(pos_x, pos_y))
-				.ui(ui);
-		}
+		draw_seven_segment(
+			ui_state,
+			ui,
+			textures,
+			&self.digits,
+			board_width - seven_segment::WIDTH * (self.digits.len() + 2),
+			(ui_state.top_offset - seven_segment::HEIGHT) / 2,
+		);
diff --git a/src/logic/game_board.rs b/src/logic/game_board.rs
index 33cd861..df069df 100644
--- a/src/logic/game_board.rs
+++ b/src/logic/game_board.rs
@@ -159,26 +159,28 @@ impl GameBoard {
 		let mut revealed: usize = 0;
 		while scan_list.len() > 0 {
 			for &scan_location in ADJACENT_WITHOUT_CENTER.iter() {
-				if let Some(old_tile) = self.get_tile(scan_list[0].0, scan_list[0].1) {
-					if old_tile.adjacent > 0 {
-						continue;
-					}
-					let x = scan_list[0].0 as isize + scan_location.0;
-					let y = scan_list[0].1 as isize + scan_location.1;
-					if x < 0 || y < 0 {
-						continue;
-					}
-					let y = y as usize;
-					let x = x as usize;
-					if let Some(tile) = self.get_tile_mut(x, y) {
-						if tile.swept {
+				if let Some((x, y)) = scan_list.front() {
+					if let Some(old_tile) = self.get_tile(*x, *y) {
+						if old_tile.adjacent > 0 {
-						scan_list.push_back((x, y));
-						tile.swept = true;
-						revealed += 1;
-						event_handler.add(GameEvent::RevealTile(x, y, tile.clone()));
+						let x = *x as isize + scan_location.0;
+						let y = *y as isize + scan_location.1;
+						if x < 0 || y < 0 {
+							continue;
+						}
+						let y = y as usize;
+						let x = x as usize;
+						if let Some(tile) = self.get_tile_mut(x, y) {
+							if tile.swept {
+								continue;
+							}
+							scan_list.push_back((x, y));
+							tile.swept = true;
+							revealed += 1;
+							event_handler.add(GameEvent::RevealTile(x, y, tile.clone()));
+						}
diff --git a/src/sprite_loader.rs b/src/sprite_loader.rs
index 3ab86f2..45cc74a 100644
--- a/src/sprite_loader.rs
+++ b/src/sprite_loader.rs
@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@ use std::error::Error;
 use image::{load_from_memory, EncodableLayout};
 use macroquad::texture::{FilterMode, Texture2D};
-pub fn load_sprites(bytes: &[u8], tile_size: [usize; 2], rows: usize, columns: usize) -> Result<Vec<Texture2D>, Box<dyn Error>> {
+pub fn load_sprites(bytes: &[u8], tile_size: (u32, u32), rows: usize, columns: usize) -> Result<Vec<Texture2D>, Box<dyn Error>> {
 	let sprite_sheet = load_from_memory(bytes)?.to_rgba8();
 	let mut sprite_list: Vec<Texture2D> = vec![];
-	let [tile_width, tile_height] = tile_size;
-	let tile_width = tile_width as u32;
-	let tile_height = tile_height as u32;
+	let (tile_width, tile_height) = tile_size;
 	for i in 0..(rows * columns) {
 		let x = (i % columns) as u32;
diff --git a/src/util.rs b/src/util.rs
index 83523f5..52cb782 100644
--- a/src/util.rs
+++ b/src/util.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
 pub const ADJACENT_WITH_CENTER: [(isize, isize); 9] =
-	[(-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)];
+	[
+		(-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1),
+		(-1,  0), (0,  0), (1,  0),
+		(-1,  1), (0,  1), (1,  1)
+	];
-pub const ADJACENT_WITHOUT_CENTER: [(isize, isize); 8] = [(-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)];
+pub const ADJACENT_WITHOUT_CENTER: [(isize, isize); 8] =
+	[
+		(-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1),
+		(-1,  0),          (1,  0),
+		(-1,  1), (0,  1), (1,  1)
+	];
 // Event Queue
 pub struct Events<E> {