// const perlinScale = 3; const tileSize = 24; var gridSize; var cash = 99; var world var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var socket = io.connect(''); function joinGame(tankName, tankType, socket){ if(tankName != ''){ socket.emit('joinGame', {name: tankName, type: tankType}); } } joinGame("aaa", "blue", socket); socket.on('gameVars', function(tank){ gridSize = tank.gridSize; world = tank.world; console.log(gridSize, world) console.log(tank) fill_canvas() }); socket.on('sync', function (sync){ world = sync.world; render() }) window.onload = function () { // GET THE IMAGE. var city = new Image(); city.src = 'img/city.png'; var rock = new Image(); rock.src = 'img/rock.png'; var grass = new Image(); grass.src = 'img/grass.png' var sea = new Image(); sea.src = 'img/sea.png' var hills = new Image(); hills.src = 'img/hills.png' tiles = [grass,hills,sea,rock,city]; } function fill_canvas() { // CREATE CANVAS CONTEXT. canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) { getMousePosition(canvas, e); }); canvas.width = tileSize*gridSize[0]; canvas.height = tileSize*gridSize[1]; render() updateUI(); } function randomNumber(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } function render() { // DRAW THE IMAGE TO THE CANVAS. let x, y = 0 for(x = 0; x < gridSize[0]; x++){ for(y = 0; y < gridSize[1]; y++){ const xu = x*tileSize; const yu = y*tileSize; if (world[x][y].type == 0) { ctx.drawImage(tiles[0], xu,yu) } else if (world[x][y].type == 1) { ctx.drawImage(tiles[2], xu,yu) } if (world[x][y].type == 2) { ctx.drawImage(tiles[1], xu,yu) } if (world[x][y].structure == 1) { ctx.drawImage(tiles[3], xu,yu) } if (world[x][y].structure == 2) { ctx.drawImage(tiles[4], xu,yu) } } } console.log("image Rendered") } function updateUI(){ document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = ("$" + cash +socket.id); } function getMousePosition(canvas, event) { // Get mouse position on canvas const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const x = event.clientX - rect.left; const y = event.clientY - rect.top; const xu = Math.floor(x/tileSize) const yu = Math.floor(y/tileSize) // Convert canvas coordinates to usable coordinates within the coordinate system console.log("Click!") socket.emit('clickCanvas', {tilePosition: [xu,yu], structure: 2}); // if (tile.type != 1 && tile.structure != 1 && cash > 10) { // tile.structure = 2 // cash = cash - 10; // } }