# Project To Do list ## Short Term - [] Kill socket when browser closes/inactive. - [] Make client get textures from single sprite sheet ## Mid Term - [] Implement Rooms with different games on server - [] Add room selection menu on client - [] Implement Players - [] Player Names - [] Player Colors - [] Prevent Duplicate player info ## Long Term - [] Power and money system for players - [] Add land ownership - [] Land Claiming - [] Difficulty to claim hills and seas - [] Create bouy flag sprite - [] Make differentiation between land owned by different players - [] System to have animated widgets overtop of the canvas. - [] Explosion - [] Selection cursor - [] Color for different land status (claimed/open/unclaimable) - [] Create spites for classes of buildings for economy. - [x] Factory - [x] Farmland/town - [] Fishing area - [] Building selection menu ## Longer Term - [] Add tests to ensure features act as they should - [] Handle player death/leaving - [] Dead player's resources go to killer with some tax. - [] Leaving player's resources go to player ## Finishing Touches - [] Sounds - [] Graphics Redo - [] Fancy webpage decorations ## Maybe - [] Chat