2024-02-25 00:38:09 -05:00

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ISA V0.7


The form of this document is a list of instructions set into categories. Each instruction starts with the recommended mnemonic and then the parameters for the instruction.

<Code> <mnemonic> <parameter 1> <parameter 2> ...

Each parameter is is abbreviated into a category

  • R: Register
  • M: Memory address
  • C: Constant

Parts of this document marked with !! are uncertain and will likely change


Memory & Register Management

COPY from, to - Copies the byte in from to the destination to
0x10 COPY R M
0x11 COPY M R
0x12 COPY M M
0x13 COPY R R

ZERO to - Sets the value in to to 0
0x17 ZERO R
0x18 ZERO M

0x19 SET R C - Sets the value in R to C

0x1F SETB R - Sets the current memory bank to the value in R

Control Flow

0x00 NOP - Does nothing

GOTO address - Moves instruction counter to address
0x20 GOTO R
0x21 GOTO C

GOTRUE R, address - Moves instruction counter to address if R is true

0x2A GOCRY address - Moves the instruction counter to address if the cary flag is set

0x2D CALL R - Moves the instruction counter to R and pushes the address of the call instruction

0x2E RET - Pops the address of the last call instruction off of the call stack and moves the instruction counter past it.

0x2F HCF - Halt and catch fire.


EQU result, p1, p2 - Sets result to true if the values in p1 and p2 are the same
0x30 EQU R R R
0x31 EQU R R C

LT result, p1, p2 - Sets result to true if the value in p1 is less than the value in p2
0x32 LT R R R
0x33 LT R R C

GT result, p1, p2 - Sets result to true if the value in p1 is greater than the value in p2
0x34 GT R R R
0x35 GT R R C

Reserved for LEQ GEQ


Logic / Bitwise

OR R, value - Sets each bit in R to its OR with the respective bit in value
0x40 OR R R
0x41 OR R C

AND R, value - Sets each bit in R to its AND with the respective bit in value
0x42 AND R R
0x43 AND R C

XOR R, value - Sets each bit in R to its XOR with the respective bit in value
0x44 XOR R R
0x45 XOR R C

LBS R, quantity - Shifts each bit in R to the left by quantity. Fills new bits with 0
0x46 LBS R R
0x47 LBS R C

RBS R, quantity - Shifts each bit in R to the right by quantity. Fills new bits with 0
0x48 RBS R R
0x49 RBS R C

0x4A NOT R - Flips each bit in value R


ADD to, from - Adds to the the byte in to with the value in from
0x50 ADD R R
0x51 ADD R C

SUB to, from - Subtracts from the value in to by the value in from
0x52 SUB R R
0x53 SUB R C

0x5E INC R - Increments the value in R by 1

0x5F DEC R - Decrements the value in R by 1


!! INTXT R - Read 1 byte of input to R

0xF0 OUTXT R - Prints the value in R to output as ASCII

0xF1 OUT R - Prints the value in R to output as base 10

0xFF VRB R - Selects the bank number in R to be used as VRAM

What is True?

True is defined as having the least significant bit in a byte set to 1. False is defined as having the least significant bit in a byte set to 0.

What are flags

The CPU has the following flags

  • Carry

Flags are set as the result of instructions.


When the add instruction runs, the result can be greater than 8 bits in size. In this case, the carry flag is set true.

!! The cary flag is set to false in two cases: At the start of an ADD instruction, and after running a GOCRY instruction